Choosing the colors for a logo is not easy work some colored logos are also changed into black n white for different reasons of usage. The resolution, edges, curves etc are all made smoother to keep its visibility. But when its black n white and you have to bring life to it on a more limited scale, that’s when the logo can get difficult and ask for a bit more creativity than the usual. Let’s go through some of the best black n white logos in the market right now.
Simple typography used with a amicably placed bone in the D and O’s center, which tells the audience it’s a brand for Dogs.
Again, Typography used with the F and T being joined in such a way that an I is formed in the middle.
Beautiful work of using the name of the company as the concept idea, just like a ghost, the word is used on a grayscale.
This is a Logo saying it’s a Logo, creativity can be used in different ways, a good example of out of the box yet simple thinking.
The Concept is pretty clear here, with the bird shopping for its food and the bench shown as a symbol of rest.
The Logo Factory

The Concept is pretty clear here, with the bird shopping for its food and the bench shown as a symbol of rest.

Twins come in pairs, and if you twist your head towards the right you can see the 2 and N being the same letter.
Logo Designing is always going to be a practice of creativity and understanding, Black n White logos are a big example of just that.
The Logo Factory